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Digital Calipers for Accurate Measurements

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Electronic Digital Caliper offers instant and accurate readings of inside, outside, step, and depth measurements with accuracy of 0.01 ". SAE / Metric conversion switch automatically converts measurements to inches or millimeters with the simple press of a button. Adjustable thumbscrew provides tension for optimal movement of the slide and locks the jaws of the caliper in place.

*Battery Included*

SAE / Metric conversion switch
Zero calibration switch
Automatic On / Off
Easy-to-read LCD display
Made of strong Plastic carbon fiber composites, lightweight and durable
Two way measurement, internal and external

Material: Carbon Fiber Composites
Color: black, silvery
Resolution: 0.1mm/0.01"
Accuracy: ±0.1mm/0.01"
Battery: SR44/LR44 1.5V(Included)
Size: 237*76.5*15mm

Package included:
1 x Carbon Fiber Composites Digital Caliper
1 x button cell

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