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Crucci Natural Wonder

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Color: Charcoal (37)

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100% wool pencil roving by crucci.

This stuff is absolutely stunning! 

Personally I love using it for punch needling and weaving! Pencil roving looks absolutely fabulous punched.

It's also perfect for knitting. Beginners and knitters who want a garment that knits quickly will love this chunky wool yarn. It is untouched by any dyes or chemical processes which is awesome and it makes it perfect for knit-wear for people with sensitive skin, including children and babies. 

A 100 gram ball is knitted on 10mm needles and is 67 metres long.

This yarn is proudly New Zealand made from 100% pure wool by Crucci a family owned and run New Zealand business.

Hand wash in warm water following care instructions attached. Dry cleanable.




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